
it is possible that i've had a slight bout of blog laziness of late... which i of course blame entirely on the after-effects of my thanksgiving gluttony and sloth. that all ends today! i want to post about another artist who has been around for a long time but who i rarely hear about: jim flora. he has illustrated books and designed various album coers. he produces some of the most fun, colorful art ever—and oh, joy! he made some woodcuts. i rank him right up there with charley harper as one of my absolute favorite artists.

left = actual wooden "plate"; right = resulting print! yes, it is TOO cool.

wowza. you should definitely check out the records he's done covers for, and also this blog, where you can see some of his art put under a small microscope. as a bonus i will put up this calendar that you can get from his letterpress...! happy tuesday.


  1. You first introduced me to Jim Flora about 2 years ago -- I love his stuff!


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