CREDIT: Alex Cornell

Well well well, it's been some time. I've not posted here since 2012, and that's okay, but now I'm in the mood to start this up again. (Is it because 2018 feels brand-new? Maybe.) I work at a desk job where my mind tends to wander, and today it wandered into daydreams of recipe-testing and gardening stories. You know, typical blog fare! It's funny to me how many of these types of blogs there are. And yet—for me, anyway—I love all the different voices that make up the chorus. Everyone comes from somewhere different. Personally, I am coming from a place of creative drought, though that may possibly be coming to an end. I find myself wanting to track my experiments. For example: I planted an entire raised bed full of garlic in November, and I will want and need to track the garlic scape harvest this spring. (And the resulting pesto.)

So it's a good time to start over. Or continue on. Either/or.

I'm not sure what shape this will take. Will it be like a journal, or more of a column? Maybe both. For now, it's just good to know this space is coming back to life.

I'll be back soon with more meandering thoughts and a recipe, since that's where my mind went today, and also because it's -5 here and there will be no gardening for some months yet. So... until then!
