fine editions

first, penguin makes me want to toss out all my paperbacks and buy up their classic hardcovers. then, white's fine editions steps in and makes me glad i didn't buy all the penguin editions... because look at these:

oh my, my, my. and that's not all. i just wanted to snag your attention with those covers. NOW look:

white's fine editions are fine indeed. they are actual clothbound hardcovers. why are publishers doing this to us? we are supposed to be saving money to get christmas presents for other people, not ourselves! sigh. what's a girl to do?

anyway. hope you enjoy these beauties. and you know, if there is a bibliophile in your life, chances are they'd not mind unwrapping one of these this season. in case you are interested, you can peruse and/or buy them here.

have a lovely wednesday!
