
i recently wrote about seeing some of chicago artist jim nutt's work at the museum of contemporary art in chicago. during the same visit, i got to see a great exhibit of just a few chicago graphic novelists/artists, including lilli carre. i loved her work. she is funny and experimental in her expression and her art is gloriously colorful + truthful. i just wanted to post some of my favorites of hers.

on a book-related note, she's also done some book covers, which are among my favorites—

adventures of huckleberry finn, for penguin books

very good, jeeves, for w.w. norton

yay! go visit her blog—i love when artists post their artwork themselves, adding stories with their drawings. much better than seeing it secondhand. ahem. carre does some really great short animations, too, which are fun to see. 
have a grand old day.
